Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Slideshow the First:

Weathermen Slideshow:


Anonymous said...

If you weren't so Hot, it'd make me dizzy... but luckily you have that AND a blazing intellect on your side...:)

... and it's kinda cool seeing things from "your"( ie: the stage) point of view.

Brittany said...

this is rad.

Crystal Renae said...

That was cool. I like seeing what you see. Would be cool as a video too! I agree with Kristen though, "If you weren't so Hot, it'd make me dizzy." haha

Anonymous said...

Mickey looks like a shy little boy. cute.

Anonymous said...

Soo I saw you last night in concert and you and EVERYBODY ELSE are amazing... and you have the best smile EVER!

Meghan said...

I'd watch THAT weather forecast every night!

Anonymous said...

Where's the newest update homeboy?
It's been a while.
Stop slackin.

itookthewalk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I need to learn to make fun graphics like that. Teach me your ways.. hah. :)

Skyler said...

haha whoaa look at all your new female fans

Martha said...

This totally looks like the science centre in Edmonton. Love that place!